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Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 

1 PETER 4:10

My name is Latriece M. Spires, Founder and Owner of Spread Your Sparkle Coaching & Consulting LLC.  I am a purpose-driven Life & Business Coach and I can’t wait to connect with you!  I am also an  established educator of 19 long years.  Yes, I said long years! Educationally,  I’ve taught and coached multiple grade levels, teachers,  principals and other instructional leaders. In line with my purpose,  I’ve had the privilege of  coaching  clients, colleagues, family, and friends on various topics. I’ve always had a thing for helping people, hence the birth of SYS Coaching & Consulting.  


I am a trained coach and have completed three levels of training from an International Coaching Federation accredited company.   


I am also a published author.  I started writing poetry and short stories in middle school, which later developed into a true passion.  So far, I have written and published three children’s books and co-authored one anthology.  I am looking forward to writing more in the near future. 



I was shuffling around the house, as I normally do when I’m away from work, and a vision fell in my spirit. It was so clear that I had to write it down right away. I immediately opened the island drawer and retrieved my journal. Writing has been a passion of mine since middle school, so I knew I had to get my revelation on paper right away, according to the Book of Habakkuk.  On December 18, 2020 I wrote, “Right now, at this very moment, a vision was given to me…Christian Life Coach.  I will revisit this entry soon.”  I was thrilled!  Confirmation is all I needed…so I thought!  I dreamt this very thing many years  ago, but wasn’t sure what the dream meant nor did I know the steps I should take.  However,  I knew that there was more to living my normal day-to-day and letting the hours pass away. But I did nothing with the revelations for quite some time.  

Fast forward to nearly 5 months later after writing the revelation…still…NOTHING!  I kept thinking that the perfect time would present itself to get started bringing this vision to life.  It didn’t happen!  Let me say that again, THE PERFECT TIME DID NOT EXIST!  Two months later, my Granny went home to be with the Lord.  I was devastated, lost, in shock, and motionless.  I couldn’t believe the love of my life was gone!  


Nearly 10 months from my December 2020 journal entry, a major shift occurred…I decided to take action!  Yes, I HAD TO MAKE THE NEXT MOVE!  Where the Lord gives vision, there you will find provision also, but YOU have to be willing to do the work.  I stepped out on faith, filed the proper documents, and the rest is for your discovery.


If you need a push, a prayer, or a swift kick in the rear, I’m here for you!  There was a time when I needed all three!  I’ve been where you are, so life has qualified me to use my own experiences to help you think beyond your current situation. Your pause doesn’t have to be permanent.  I help my clients dream bigger and dig deeper.  Let me help YOU ignite the spark in your sparkle!  Now is the time to get the dream out of your head and into action.

-Coach Spark



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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